
The Pricing of T-sel Flash

Telkomsel had initiated the third generation (3G) of its telecommunication products. As one of the service (as I mentioned on my previous post), Telkomsel has launched a new program named Telkomsel Flash (T-sel Flash). I go to my browser to check the program, and I've found this one:

Hmmm... the different info with what my friend's said. My friend said that the package is unlimited with cost Rp 125,000/month for regular and Rp 225,000/month for free modem.
I dunno where's the right one...

*the table is picked up from here


Mas Hery said...

your friend more updated than telkomsel official website,what can i say?

Farida said...

yeah... hot offering (on stove? lol)
thanks for coming :)